Baby Pressley Due Jan 2023

Did you ever think this day would come?! Because I didn’t! Baby Pressley is due January 2023. We are so thrilled and excited to be expecting a baby, sometimes it doesn’t even feel like real life. So let’s back up and start from the beginning…

Lane and I started TTC last year for about 6-7 months, 9 months prior to my 30th birthday. As you know, I was planning a huge party with 100 of my closest friends and family and a baby was not in that plan (LOL). I wanted to enjoy myself and drink with my friends! Well 7 months passed, we did all the ovulation tests, peed on so many pregnancy tests, and nope, nada, nothing! I was also fresh off birth control and we stressed ourselves to the max because of our “time schedule” so I think those definitely played a factor in not being able to conceive. We put way too much pressure on ourselves.

It’s so funny, I always tell Lane, we spent 12 years on BC, trying to prevent getting pregnant, and when we were actually trying, we couldn’t even get pregnant. I want to mention, that I know 7 months trying to TTC is not even a long time, in the long run. I pray for those of you struggling with infertility. I know how I felt during those several months, so I can’t imagine those of you who have been trying for so much longer. I’m always praying for you!

Well, fast forward to April, Lane and I decided that maybe we would start trying again (one month before my birthday). We figured if I did get pregnant, I wouldn’t know before my birthday because the timeline just didn’t align, but honestly, with last year in the back of our minds, we just thought it would take a while to conceive again so that’s why we wanted to go ahead and get a move on. Two things we did differently this time: we completely changed our lifestyle around. We started eating SO clean and healthy 2 months before my party (not necessarily to get pregnant, just wanted to do it for ourselves, but it actually ended up helping in the long run). We also didn’t “try”, we just had fun. Hell, I wasn’t even tracking my period or ovulation the month we conceived. I was honestly SHOCKED.

My birthday party weekend rolls out, and I am feeling GOOD. We went to St. Augustine and wined and dined with our friends all Friday night. It was SO fun! Well, I had 4 drinks in 6-7 hours. At midnight, I woke up and let’s just say it was coming out of both ends. LMAO! I literally thought I had a stomach bug the night before my party. Well, it finally stopped after an hour or two and I went back to sleep. The next day just felt like a horrible hangover. I ended up barely eating all day and all I could drink was water and ginger ale. My stomach was wrecked. Had NO idea what was going on with me.

Well, a few hours passed and I started getting my hair and makeup done for my party and my boobs started hurting worse than they’ve ever hurt before. I was like what in the hell is going on! They literally hurt to touch. I didn’t even realize my period was late because honestly I didn’t track anything, and ever since I got COVID, my period has been jacked and it’s quite impossible to track so I had no idea it was late. I will say I had the BEST party even though I didn’t eat or drink anything but water and ginger ale. I, along with everyone else, just thought I was hungover from the night before.

WELL, I obviously knew I had to take a test the following day. Heather actually wanted me to take one the morning after my party with her and everyone else and I was like oh hell no. I’m waiting until we are alone. LOL! So after we left the Airbnb, Lane and I headed home and I stopped by the ole trusty DG and grabbed 2 pregnancy tests. I got home, told Lane I was peeing on it, and we actually forgot about it because we honestly didn’t think it was going to come out positive. LOL! So about 15-20 minutes later, I was like we should probably check that! I had it tuned over.

Lane went to go pick it up, and I was like NO! Let me record JUST IN CASE. God, I’m so happy I did. Our reaction was so pure and genuine and I literally get chills watching the video because of how shocked, excited and scared we were when we saw those 2 lines. I was so in shock by how strong the line was. I always see fainted ones on other peoples and that’s what I was looking for and I was literally like HOLY SHIT. That’s a BFP (big fat positive). I was only 5 weeks!

So I called the doctor immediately on Monday (this was Sunday!), and made our first appointment. We had a phone call appointment at 7 weeks and then we went in to go see the doctor at 10 weeks. He ended up telling me I was actually only 9 weeks. I am due January 20th, 2023. We do know the gender and we are so excited <3

I cannot wait to share this journey with you all! So many of you are pregnant and due around the same time and that makes me SO excited! We are going to have so much fun chatting up new baby products and whatnot! Learning so much together!

I also want to say thank you everyone for all the love and support on our news! We are truly blessed to see how much y’all care and we love that we have so many insta aunties!!! Love you XOXO


1st Trimester Update


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