2016 Pt. 2
"I don't know where I'm going, but I'm on my way..." With college graduation around the corner (7 months), I have the slighted clue where my final destination will be or the exact career path I want to take and that's a scary thought. There are so many ideas of jobs that interest me, it is so hard to just choose one. Help me, please?! :P Where did the time go? I feel like I was just writing my blog { 2 0 1 6 } just yesterday. It has been 4 months and a couple days since the start of the new year... and that is why I have been stressing about something happening in 7 months, because I feel like it'll be here before I know it. When I wrote my blog { 2 0 1 6 }, there were a couple things I was going to work on starting with myself, my relationship, and then family+friends, school, and work. I just wanted to write this blog to inform all my readers how those things were going. It is hard to change a lifestyle all at once when you're so used to the norm.Well, I jumped out of my comfort zone last month and succeeded. I flew to NYC (no parents or boyfriend) with just 2 friends and it wasn't bad at all. I paraded around the city for 5 days with 16 girls, and had the time of my life. It took me three months to start working out... every beginning of the week "something" would come up and to be honest, I'd make up an excuse to "start the week after." I purchased the work-out program by Kayla Itsines, a 24 year old from Australia who has a killer bod. Her workouts literally have me dying, so I recommend them to anyone. One thing that I stuck with since the new year was eating healthy. Of course, I have days where I eat pizza and cookies, but I have really cut back. I've been eating more fruit and vegetables.Friends wise, about the same. There's people you trust in life and people you don't. It is around my age where you should figure out who is who, and question if you need them in your life. If people can't be there for your struggles, they don't deserve to be there for your accomplishments.With my relationships.... hmmmm.. never better! Lane and I have a great relationship, we know how to communicate well with each other and we have an infinite love for one another. We have traveled a little bit this year so far, we spent the weekend in Charleston with 2 friends which was a blast and he also met me up in NYC for 4 days! Taught him the ropes of the city ;) we also leave for California in 1 month so that will be an exciting trip.I'm sure you all have noticed I haven't been blogging that much lately... it's because I'm taking a full load of courses (which by the way I am doing GREAT in school right now...) and I'm focusing more on my studies so I can better my GPA. If you want to do better in one thing, sometimes you gotta give up another for the time being. So I apologize, and after this semester is over I'll have more time on my hands. 5 things I want to start doing during spring/summer:1- getting ready more (not looking like a bum) HAHA2- oil pulling (you WILL see a blog about this in the near future)3- laying out (i'm tired of looking like casper... a cute casper though)4- spend less money on shopping5- SAVE more money! If you made a new years resolution, but haven't started it yet.. You don't have to wait until next year to start it. Every day is a new day... START TODAY! No one is stopping you. I encourage you to try something new once a month, I promise you won't be disappointed. <3
Love to all. Xxo - Kristin <3