Travel Bucket List

It has always been my dream to travel the world, on my own time, with my best friend. This triggered when I had the opportunity to visit Rome and Paris in 11th grade with a few classmates and our guardian. I never understood how young people like me just get up and go? Do they take out loans? Do they save for a couple years? Do they rack up their credit cards? Do they quit their jobs? So many questions in my head when I even think about booking a flight and saying "seeeeeee ya!" I guess that's just the paranoia in me. I like to have everything perfect and planned out, but sometimes in life you just have to go. You only live once, right?I found this quote and posted it to my instagram page one day: "I wasn't born to pay bills and die." I love this, life means so much more, and if you want to truly LIVE, you need to take the risk and do YOU.I think it is SOOO important for everyone to travel at least once, people get so stuck up in their own bubble they never experience different cultures and truly see how other people live in the world. Some places are a real eye-opener in good and bad ways, and I am ready to experience that.

There's many places on my list that I want to travel, so here's the top picks (in no specific order):

"The Land Down Under" ~ Australia          


London, England 

Abbaye de westminster Big Ben London

San Francisco, California




Las Vegas


Bora Bora


Costa Rica


Canada (No specific place in Canada) & NorthWest United States (Washington & Oregon)




Santorini, Greece


The Netherlands

Zuiderker Staalstraat

Dublin, Ireland




There's so many more places I would love to go and learn about. I would also love to go back to Paris and Rome now that I am older, back then I cared but not like I do now. I feel as if I would get so much more out of it. The world is truly never-ending and there are so many places to go and see, I feel like I would never run out. There are even places here in Florida that I have on my bucket list and I have lived here for over 20 years.

So do me a favor, pack your bags, and say see ya! I'll be right behind ya... :-)



{ Till Death Do Us Part }


How To: Smoothie Like A Pro