Spring/Easter Dresses
I know this year is a bit crazy and we really don't know what is going on. I had this post planned last month and took to Instagram on whether or not I should share it. The majority still wanted to see these dresses so here we are! I ended up naming this blog post Spring/Easter Dresses because I am not sure how long we will all be quarantined. Anyways - hope you enjoy and happy shopping XO
TV Show/Movie Recommendations
...and this is a random picture of me! LOL I couldn't find one of me inside watching a movie or TV show so this one will have to do! haha! I asked all of you on Instagram the other day what your favorite TV shows were on Netflix/Hulu/Amazon Prime/HBO aka everything! I'll share everything we have personally watched too!
My Office Reveal (eek!)
Welcome to the new For the Love of Coffey HQ! This has been a long time coming since October-ish and we are finally done and I could not be more excited with how it turned out! I worked with CC and Mike Creative, and if you're not familiar with them, they are a husband and wife interior design duo from Dallas, Texas. I met CC when I was at the rewardStyle conference last year and I knew as soon as I saw her work, I would love to work with her on our new home!
Spring Shoe Review
Tossing out the boots and booties for sandals and mules! Love this time of year when sandals are back in for the warmer weather. If you live in Florida, you can pretty much wear them year-around, but I know for the Northerners, it's a good feeling. :) I shared all of the shoes that I will be incorporating into my outfits this Spring and Summer with links to all of them too!
Best Beach Destinations in Florida
Growing up in Florida all of my life, I have been to quite a few beaches along each coast. It amazes me how one stretch of ocean can be so different depending on where you decided to vacation. Each little beach town brings something different to the table and it really depends on what your goal is to accomplish during your stay.
Spring Break Essentials
Is there a such thing as adult Spring Break? If so, please sign me up. It was always one of my favorite weeks in High School and College. LOL you never knew what you were going to get into and that's what made it so fun!
Bringing It Backkkk
I feel so retro in my denim overalls and neon jacket like I am bringing back 80s/90s fashion! Haha! I love that these pieces are coming back in style. Everything you see from head to toe is from Walmart.
Las Vegas Travel Guide
Walk through all of the hotels on the first day! This will take you about a full day but totally worth it because you find hidden gems throughout each resort and know what to do and how to plan the rest of your days! Plus every resort is different and so beautiful with all of the architecture! It was truly one of my favorite parts! Plus if you go back to Vegas, you know where to go and spend the majority of your time because you already know what everything looks like!
Golden Goose Review
I asked all of you over on Instagram to send in questions about the Golden Goose's since I get a lot of DMs about them and if they're worth it! So here are the most asked questions from all of you :) the answers below may be long-winded but are 100% truthful! XO
Best Denim Shorts in 2020
Sharing a ton of denim shorts on the blog today! I am going to continue adding to these :) By far my favorite pairs of denim shorts are Abercrombie, hands down, they fit the best and don't stretch! They are also long enough where my booty doesn't hang out (almost 28 yo problems! haha).
Fort Lauderdale Travel Guide
My mom and I took a quick little trip to Fort Lauderdale a few weeks back and I hadn't been there since I was about 5 years old. That's where my dad grew up running the roads and my grandma still lives so it was fun to be back! I can't wait to go back with my dad this year to see what kinds of trouble he made and where. LOL!
Last Minute Valentine's Day Outfits on Prime
If you are anything like me then you know a thing or two about procrastination. If you are looking for something to wear on Valentine's Day that is super cute and will be here in 2 days, here you go :) I've listed over 20+ items that are super cute and affordable and that I know you will love!!! As always, happy shopping XO
50+ Swimsuits under $100
Happy Tuesday! If you have been following me on Instagram, you may have noticed that I just got back from a little beach vacay with my mom! It was so fun, but with that being said, I have had a lot of questions on where I shop for swimsuits. The answer is a few different places - I don't really like to spend a ton of money on swimsuits especially because you normally have to buy each piece.
Pelican Grand Beach Resort in Ft. Lauderdale
This past week, my mom and I had the opportunity to go stay in Fort Lauderdale, Florida at the Pelican Grand Beach Resort. We absolutely LOVED our time there. I've been to a lot of hotels on the Florida beaches and this one was by far my favorite! It's one of the only beachfront, boutique resorts on the Fort Lauderdale beaches, without A1A and traffic between the rooms and water! That is what we loved so much about it - you literally walk right outside - and you have sand between your toes!
What to Wear: Bridal Edition
Thought this photo was appropriate for what I am sharing! LOL! I have linked a ton of different bridal options whether it be Engagement party, Rehearsal Dinner, Honeymoon, etc! I got you girls covered! Just click the link to shop! Happy shopping XO
What to Wear: Valentine's Day
Sharing all of the Valentine's Day inspo in today's blog post! Whatever you are planning on wearing for LOVE day, I have you covered. There's some graphic tees, sweatshirts, dresses, pajamas, accessories! You name it, it's linked!
Fleece & Love Sale - Hollister Co.
Happy Friday!! What word is almost better than Friday? SALE! I have a big one for you - Hollister is doing a huge sale on all of their hoodies and sweatshirts called their Fleece and Love event where you can purchase 2 for $50! What a deal considering they are almost all over $50 for one!
Valentine's Day Gift Guide for Him & Her
Can you believe we are about 3(ish) weeks out from Valentines Day? Well, lucky for you, if you are into the whole gift thing for your SO on this special LOVE day, I got you covered. There are so many options for men and women on this list - I know for sure you will find something you love! You can shop the links below by clicking on them:) Happy shopping XO