Louis Vuitton Neverfull Review

One of the most asked questions are if designer bags are worth it! Personally, I've always been into designer bags even when I was younger (I had like all of the Vera Bradleys LOL and when one came out, I saved enough money to buy it). My mom and dad are NOT materialistic, so I have no idea where I got it from.

Today I am reviewing my Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM. It took me forever to bite the bullet to buy this handbag. I rewarded myself by saving enough money. I told Lane that once I contributed a certain amount of money in our savings, I was going to buy the bag. I ended up buying it in Miami in June 2019 on a trip! I KNEW I would use it 24/7 and I wish I would've purchased it sooner.

I don't think there was a day that went by that I didn't use it until I purchased my newest LV addition which I will review in a few weeks! I love the size that I purchased too - the MM which is the medium-sized. They also have PM and GM which I aways remember by petite and ginormous LOL! The GM is not ideal for every day, but it is amazing for traveling. I don't personally have it, but sometimes I wish my MM was bigger for travel. It fits literally everything in there too! That's why it is called a Neverfull because I swear it's never full. :P

If you're starting out your designer bag collection, this is definitely a great first purchase. You will absolutely love it. I wanted the white damier print so bad, but after careful consideration, I ended up with brown because I didn't want it to show dirt and wear and mine hasn't at all - coming up on 2 years! Another thing I love about the Neverfull is that it will never go "out of style", these bags are still popular 20 years later and they are actually going UP in price. Back in 2010, they were like $700 and now they are around $1500. So they hold their value SO much!!

I've included some designer-inspired bags below and also some LV Neverfulls that are second-hand. A few of them are under $1,000 too.

Second-hand! FashionPhile is an amazing retailer and 100% legit.

Designer Inspired <3


Weekend in St. Augustine


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