Goodbye 2019, Hello 2020


jacket // bodysuit

Wow! What a year! 2019 was by far the best and hardest year of my life. When I say hardest - I don't necessarily mean it was physically or emotionally hard, but honestly it was mentally tough. I'll explain why in a little bit. Just keep reading... :)

At the end of 2018, I quit my job to become a full-time blogger so I honestly had NO idea WHAT to expect in 2019. I was at a standpoint working full-time and blogging, and knew I couldn't continue doing both, the decision was easy for me. I knew I was either going to succeed or fail, but I had to take the risk and see for myself what my blog could become. 365 days later, I have to say it was the best decision I have ever made. I was made for this job and I seriously love every single aspect of it.

The opportunities were endless in 2019 and I was able to experience things I would've never imagined. I met some lifelong friends this year, I travelled to places I had never been, I was invited to my very first rewardStyle conference which was a HUGE check off of my goals list for 2019, I attended NYFW, I flew cross-country alone to Palm Springs to shoot with a boutique, I worked with some of my FAVORITE brands ever, I signed with my first agency and now have a manager, Lane & I bought our dream home and sold our first house, we have been able to pay off debt, we have also been able to save a lot of money. The list goes on and I am so thankful and blessed.

The reason why I said it was also the hardest year of my life is because people don't warn you how much goes into running your own business. The countless hours, keeping up with taxes, paying taxes, all the accounting things. It's not all pretty sweaters and Gucci belts, y'all. This stuff is tough, but I've learned SO much this past year on how to run a successful business (and what not to do... lol). I'm incredibly excited for 2020 and what the year has in store for me. I'm going to write another blog post this week talking about my goals for 2020. :)

Happy New Year, everyone XO


Top 10 Best Sellers of 2019


Top 10 Things I Could Not Live Without