My Favorite Holiday Drinks at Starbucks


Sweater Dress (XXS). Boots (6). Hoop Earrings.

Hey guys! Happy Tuesday! I am frequently asked what I drink from Starbucks because let's face it, I always have some sort of cup in my hand for most of my pictures. LOL! A few fun facts that you may not know about me is I have no caffeine tolerance, so I am normally drinking some sort of drink that is decaf or has little to no caffeine. I love the taste of coffee so I don't want to quit drinking it altogether, so I find a way to make it happen without feeling sick/shaky!

I wanted to share a few of my favorite drinks this time of year because Starbucks literally has the tastiest Holiday treats! If I'm being honest, I wish there was less sugar in most of these drinks, but hey! we can't have it all right? and I really just drink these when I am in need of something sweet! I'm sharing the drinks below!

  • My number 1 FAVORITE Holiday drink from Starbucks is the Skinny Chestnut Praline Latte. Cold, hot, or frap! It doesn't matter how you make it, it's simply amazing and I have been getting these for a good 4-5 years. The first time I ever had it I know it was love at first sip. LOL! So good and if you haven't tried it, definitely get it next time!

  • My 2nd pick is always a Skinny Decaf Hot Vanilla Latte with Cinnamon Powder on top. Y'all, this is freakin amazing and tastes just like Christmas in a cup. I actually got Aubrey into them last year and we would go get them every single time we were together. If you aren't a fan of the frou-frou drinks - this one is for you!

  • My last absolute fav is the Toasted White Chocolate Mocha only because I seriously love anything white chocolate. I normally would do this one either hot or frappe depending on the weather outside!

  • The Peppermint Mocha Latte is good, I can only have like 1/2 cup though because the peppermint is usually potent. Haha! I like peppermint but not too much peppermint if you know what I mean. This is a good one if you are just craving a quick couple sips!

I hope you enjoyed this fun blog post! These are my absolute favorite posts to share! Let me know your favorite Holiday drink and if I haven't tried it, I definitely want too. :))


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