Happy 4 Years to For the Love of Coffey

So to start, I am about two months late to writing this blog post because I honestly had no idea what I wanted to write about. August 4th was my actual bloggiversary! So many things have happened in the last four years of having this blog that I cannot pick one certain thing to talk about so I think I am just going to give a rundown of what exactly has happened. I've shared this in quite a few blog posts but now it will be all curated in one - THIS one. :)

To give a small back story on how I started my blog if you're new around here (also, thank you for joining and so excited you're here!), I started a blog randomly one day in August 2015. I was in college at the University of Florida and worked as a server for all four years of college, it was the best. My schedule was flexible and I was making good money for a college student. I needed something else to fill my time so randomly one day, I created a Wordpress account. Please keep in mind, that when I started, blogging was not as saturated. I actually didn't follow any bloggers until a few months in. I didn't really have a direction with what I was doing. If I felt the need to write something, I would just do it. I had no niche, it was just a hobby I enjoyed. I didn't get my first gifted collaboration until about a year after.


About 2 years in (2017), I had graduated college and was working a few different jobs, insurance, sales, wedding industry, all that I didn't really love, but honestly at that time, blogging just felt like a burden, I hadn't really found my niche yet either. I would work all week and then on the weekends, Tanner Mann and I would shoot like 7-8 outfits all day Saturday - Leaving Sunday to write blog posts, answer emails, etc. It was tiring and honestly I wasn't making any money because I wasn't asking for money because I didn't think I was worth it because I didn't put enough of my time and effort into it! Big No! No! Don't do that! I was spending way too much money trying to keep up but nothing was coming in (my fault!) plus I made just enough at my 9-5 to help pay the bills (obviously lane and I have 2 incomes) and put money in savings every month!

My first photo that went viral on Pinterest. (2017)

One thing I was always consistent with during the struggle was Instagram and I think that is why I have been able to grow. I've posted every single day for the past 2 years and honestly, I don't think I have missed a day. I try to respond to every comment and DM even though I may miss some. I engage with fellow bloggers with all following ranges which I think is very important! This is a random paragraph and I still do all of these things too! LOL now back to the story!

In June of 2018, I was still inconsistent with my blog, but consistent with Instagram, BUT still not making *much* money from blogging. I still felt like it was a weight dragging me down so I finally had a talk with myself and Lane and we agreed that either I needed to quit altogether or stick to it and don't take another unpaid collaboration even if it was $100 payment. Something needed to make up for all of the shopping I was still doing. My girlfriends were already blogging full-time too so I think that helped motivate me as well knowing that it is possible and could be done if I put more effort into it.

This was my first collaboration ever back in 2016 with SheIn.

Six months had passed and I was doing REALLY well and making more money than I did at my 9-5. It was so scary, but in November 2018, I quit my job to become a full-time blogger and the opportunities became endless and I have never been happier, yet more anxious (just comes with working for yourself) in my life. I've met so many wonderful girlfriends that I truly cherish our friendship and love being able to travel with them. I stepped out of my comfort zone and traveled to the rewardStyle conference (invite only! I was invited 2 weeks prior HAHA) by myself and stayed with my girl, Whitney, who I absolutely adore but we had never met previously. My girlfriends and I took on NYFW together this year. I traveled all the way to Palm Springs by myself and met a boutique there to shoot spring content! The list goes on...!

Also, before I end this blog post, I always get questions in my DM's asking how I overcome people making fun or picking on me for being a blogger/influencer. Honestly, just let them talk! Obviously if it's your passion and you love it, for them to talk crap about you just says more about them than it does about you! There will always be people in this world who just don't understand what you're doing or are jealous of what you're doing. Block them and move on! That's what I do. I've had it happen multiple times starting out and I still have it happen 4 years later. I'm living my best life and I have a great support system and I make a pretty good income from it... what more could you ask for?

New York fashion week details

Anyways, I am so happy that my business is my passion and I am able to do this every single day. I work so many more hours than I used too and never get a day off, but I am so grateful for this career and for each and every one of you for making it possible. This little community is seriously the best and I could not ask for better!

A few tips and tricks for Instagram:

(I already mentioned some of these above!)

  • Don't be discouraged
  • Every day is a new day
  • Algorithm does not define your worth
  • Keep engaging and being seen
  • Stay consistent
  • When you're just starting out, select a time to post and stick with it for a few
  • If you're changing something up, always do it for 3 months
  • Get to know your audience
  • People want to know about you and your real life - you don't have to share all of it but def share some
  • Have fun! Don't forget the WHY behind it all

If you've made it this far - I absolutely love you! Thank you!


My Front Porch Decor


Kickin' it in Walmart Footwear