2019 resolutions blogger in sparkly skirt

2019 resolutions blogger in sparkly skirt

2019 resolutions blogger in sparkly skirt

2019 resolutions blogger in sparkly skirt


sequin skirt // black bodysuit // black heels (use code kristin60 for $60 off)

HAPPY NEW YEAR friends and family! It's been a hot minute since I've written a blog post. I decided to take some me-time before starting this 2019 adventure of full-time blogging. So last week I told myself I was still on "vacation" and would start full-force come Monday morning (this morning!). I'm so happy I did!

So I'm a tad bit late to the 2019 Goals game, but hey! better to start late than never right?! These goals I have for myself are attainable with lots of hard work which is a great description of what 2019 will be for Lane and I. Now that we are full-time entrepreneurs, we have to work twice as hard to keep that up. My blog post tomorrow is actually about how I knew it was time to quit my full-time job and start blogging FT. I'm excited to share!!

SO let's dive in to my 2019 GOALS!

Just Do It.

No, this has nothing to do with Nike. LOL. This just means pretty much to say yes to new things. For instance, last year 3 weeks before NYFW, a friend of mine asked if I wanted to go and stay in their hotel room, of course I thought of every excuse why I couldn't because the anxiety and nervousness took over. Those moments right there I need to change. I want to experience these events and not just have FOMO all the time. So this year, I'm just going to do it.


Speaking of... I have lots of travel planned for 2019. Aubrey and I are traveling to Nashville for a few days. I'm going to Aruba with my family. I have a trip to Tennessee planned for my cousins wedding! Bloggers trip to Palm Springs with about 15 other bloggers - literally. so. excited. for. that! Lane is in the middle of planning a trip to Iceland with a few friends of ours that I am SO excited for and of course, this year NYFW is GOING DOWN. Eeekk! So this year is already planned for lots of travel, lots of travel content coming your way!

Know that it's OK to say no.

Some of you may think I am contradicting myself with this and the Just Do It above. This honestly just means learn WHEN to say no and that it is OK to say no. Don't worry about the other person, worry about yourself. There has been SO many instances where I will say yes in fear of what the other person will say or do if I say no. I started this in 2018 and it has been amazing - I want to continue this for 2019.

Save Money.

I will go more into this in tomorrow's blog post, but for now I want to say these last two months of blogging FT have been an absolute dream. I'm finally having enough money to save and by the end of 2019, I want at least $50k in the bank and if not, MORE! Also, eat out less and spend less on pointless "things".

Eat Healthier and Exercise.

Okay, this one is a big one for me. If you look at me from the outside, yeah sure, I look skinny - I'm very petite. I'm 5'2 and weigh about 105 lbs. All of that looks great, but I'm consistently groggy, tired with no energy. Eating healthier and doing some sort of exercise a few times a week is needed. I'm just the type of person that HATES working out. I will literally think of any excuse NOT to do it. So 2019 is going to be my year! I'm going to start LOVING to work out.

Challenge my Creativeness!

This one is a fun one I hope to achieve and definitely has a lot to do with the field I'm currently in. I see so many people sharing these new and creative ideas on Instagram which brings a whole new level to the IG game. I strive to do this, but I feel like sometimes I kick these ideas to the end of the to-do list that never seems to be finished because of the time it takes to create. In 2019, I want to challenge myself and create quality content for all of you!

Read More.

This is a goal for both Lane and I. We have talked about watching less TV (not that we watch a ton of it, usually The Office or Friends is playing for background noise lol) and reading more. I want to try to read 1 book a month. I have like 4-5 books already waiting for me to pick up! Once I get in a good habit of this, I'll start doing book reviews. :)

Spending Less Time on my Phone.

Kind of hard when your job is social media based, but we all have goals right. I just want to be in the present with Lane and sit down, put my phone up and watch a movie. Instead of aimlessly scrolling through IG or Facebook while a movie is playing. This one will honestly be hard for me because I try to constantly engage on IG throughout the day, but we will see. I'm determined.

Start Saving to Build a House.

Lane and I have been in our house for almost 7 years. We weren't even planning on living here for 5, much less 7-8. Our mortgage is so inexpensive though that as we grow older, we realize we can save, save, save right now! We are definitely outgrowing this home though, it's only 1000 sq ft and I promise you that every single foot in this house is full. LOL! I'm ready to make the move, but we're saving money!

I hope you all liked seeing what my goals of 2019 are! I am really going to strive to make every single goal come to life. I am so excited to see what 2019 has in store for Lane and I as a married couple and taking my side hustle full-time. I am so blessed for each and every one of you and looking forward to growing this family in the next year <3 :)



How I Knew it was Time to Start Blogging Full-Time


After Christmas Sales