Hi guys! Happy Tuesday (night)! The last few weeks I've been getting lots of questions about Lane and I and our relationship so I thought it would be super fun to do a Q&A with you all. I asked you guys to send in questions that you wanted me to answer about us. I picked my favorite questions so let's go! :)

How did you meet?

Lane and I met in high school. He transferred to my high school at the beginning of my 11th grade year (he was in 10th grade). I noticed him because he played soccer with all of our friends so I wanted to find out who the cute new soccer player was. Long story short: I asked him to prom with me, he politely declined because he thought me and my friends were playing a joke on him... (remember, he was new!). Anyways, we started "talking" shortly after and about a month or so later, he asked me out in the Mcdonalds parking lot. LOL

How do you get him to be so supportive and on camera?

He doesn't always want to be on camera, but he understands what kind of business I'm in so he's normally okay with it! Plus, we love picking on each other so he likes to show all of you that ;)

Did y'all receive negativity for getting married young?

I don't really think we got married young. I was 25 and he was 24 (almost 25 like a month later). I think that is the normal age now.

How long did you date before getting married?

We dated 7 years before getting married. We dated 3/4 years when we were under 20 years old and then we bought a house and moved in together and those 3 years before getting engaged definitely prepared us for marriage (in a good way!)

How old were you when you got engaged?

It was the day after my 24th birthday (May 5th - Cinco de Mayo!) in Los Angeles, California! It was the best ever! Lane was 23!

When did you know it was the right time to get married?

We were just ready. We knew we wanted to spend the rest of our lives together and we had already been together for 7 years.

Do y'all get along with each other's families?

Yes, we do! We both have pretty large families and each side loves us! <3

Have you ever had life happen and question whether or not you would make it?

Everything that has happened in the past has shaped us and made us stronger. We know we can go through anything and still make it out a stronger than ever. We're a pretty good team!

What do you cook him for dinner?

Ok, I had to add this one in there because what the heck?! LOL. We both cook and actually he cooks more than I do. If it's up to me, we're eating something quick. Hehe!

How long have y'all been together?

This May will be 10 years! Eeeek! Can't believe it's been a decade!

What do you guys do when you fight?

Uh, we are not the picture perfect couple you see on IG. We definitely have our moments and it's usually because one of us are hangry.....

Is Lane a "picture person"? Does he enjoy having his taken and/or taking yours?

He used to get annoyed with taking my pictures/being in my picture, but then he realized later that this is my job and I gotta take pictures to make money so he doesn't mind it now. LOL

How do you manage blogging and paying enough attention to him?

HAHAHA. It's hard work. I could literally work all day long. I gotta take a step back and realize sometimes that I need to start treating this like a normal job and stop working at 5pm (or a designated time each night). It's just hard because there is always something I need to do.

What do you do to keep it working?

COMMUNICATION IS KEY. This is everything!


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