so a lot of you ask how i make money from blogging. well the answer is simple, there are a lot of ways you can make money from doing what i do. first off, there are affiliate links like shopstyle or as you may see everywhere. what happens is when you click on a link that we provide and you make a purchase within the timeframe (until the cookie expires, i believe), we make a very very small commission from your purchase. now each retailer has different commission rates some as high as 20% and some as low as 4-5%. it just depends on the different retailers that are signed up with the affiliate program. sends out a check every other friday like a normal 9-5 job and it is directly sent to my bank account. now that money does not pay my bills... haha!the big bucks is when you start working with brands. brands will pay you to advertise their product and will pay you a fixed rate. usually this rate is negotiated by you and the brand (or third party marketing company which i will work with probably 75% of the time). the brands i have worked with include but not limited to: neutrogena, covergirl, aveeno, aquis, pantene, and a number of boutiques as well. boutiques are different to work with than a national company because usually you are communicating via the owner and it is more personable. those are where the connections and friendships start. :)other ways you can make money is by placing ads on your website. honestly, i have never done this before but i am not against it. i've never put the time or effort into looking at the different ways you can include ads. with that being said, it is usually a pay-per-click commission. i'm not sure if it is worth it, you would have to talk to someone who has utilized this can also attend events or do try-on hauls to make a pretty penny! it really just depends on what is in your area and what you are exposed too.A L O T of people have asked "well how do i even determine my rate if a brand asks for it?" everything i have ever heard was estimate $100 per 10k followers on IG. now not every brand is going to accept this rate, but definitely ASK for it. sometimes they will take it, sometimes they will negotiate. either way, you're getting paid right?! i honestly never asked for money until i reached 10k, only because i wanted to prove to myself that i was here for the long haul and i wanted brands to take me seriously.anyways, i hope this post has been helpful! i try to include these informational posts on my experiences because i am always getting dms regarding everything blogging. :)stay tuned for my blog post next week as i am sharing my best sellers on it's a good one, promise!!! 


Best Selling Items on


Animal Print for Fall