O U T F I T  D E T A I L S

sports bra // zella leggings crop // zella leggings // nike sneaks

two blog posts in two days, whoa. who am i? new blogger, who dis? HA JK.

i'm not going to lie to you all, i have not worked out consecutively in about 5-6 years. i danced competitively for 14 years all through my childhood and teenage days so my metabolism was always great! now, i'm still thin because it's in my genetics, but i always feel so groggy.i started barre last month and have loved every bit of it. the past few years, i have always been intrigued by it especially with the term "barre" coming from a dance background. you honestly do not have to have a background in dance though, it doesn't have anything to do with that. LOL. all in all, i love it and will definitely continue taking classes.i love wearing simple items for working out. these zella leggings are my absolute favorite and i always stock up during the nordstrom sale. surprisingly, they're still in stock. :) so shop away! i always buy my sports bra's from forever21 or marshalls, only because they're super cute and i don't need a ton of support because....well, ya see it. LOL. my sneaks are probably my favorite part of the outfit and they are still in stock as well, SURPRISINGLY.....again. i'm wearing my normal size 6, so they're tts. :)anyways, let me know what's your favorite thing to do to stay active! and of course, happy shopping xx

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