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Fav quote right now: Growing up is wanting to be invited to the party, but not wanting to go to the party! *insert laugh emoji*

I know we have one of these things once a year, but I always get excited about this day! Maybe it's a 20-something thing - HAHA! It's so crazy when you think about the day that you were born, I personally think May 4th is the perfect birth date for me (and not because the 4th be with you statement -- I don't even know what movie that is from to be honest. LOL). It just reminds me of summer, flowers, positivity (maybe because 4 is my favorite number), bright colors! IDK, I may be weird but that's what comes to mind when I think of May 4th. :)Anyways, today I wanted to do the super basic post that everyone does on their birthday! 26 things I've learned by 26 years old. Some may be random, some may be funny, some may be serious.... so if you're interested to see what I have learned on this journey, keep reading.....

  1. Moisturize every single day (even twice if you're an over-achiever)
  2. Life is short. ORDER DESSERT
  3. Use sunscreen - it's okay to be the palest person in the room naturally. Your skin will look better in the long run - just use tanning mousse
  4. It's okay to say no to people
  5. On the other hand, it's absolutely okay to say YES too. I recently had a YES moment - going on a trip with 3 random girls (not so random anymore). I would've never taken that chance, but I am OH SO HAPPY I DID
  6. (read this and I love it!) The grass is greenest where you water it. Fact. Sometimes it’s right to leave your lawn and head to another, but not before watering it with all you’ve got first
  7. Once you find what really makes you happy, nothing else really matters
  8. It's not a bad thing to find your SO early, I married my HS sweetheart and have loved every second of it
  9. Be nice to people, you never know what they are going through
  10. Never give up on your dreams - chase them until you reach them
  11. Being single is far better than being treated like shit
  12. Burger and Fries will always be a go-to
  13. Sleep is the best thing ever
  14. Pick your battles
  15. Be a little better than you were yesterday
  16. Laughing is the best medicine
  17. COMMUNICATION IS EVERYTHING - with family/friends/relationships
  18. Be aware of ALL surroundings
  19. Never hold grudges
  20. There's no such thing as perfect
  21. You can't look at where everyone else is in life, you have to focus on yourself and your family and grow from there
  22. Friends come and go
  23. Travel more. Travel Often. I'm not sure why I didn't write this as 1,2 or 3 because it's a pretty big one for me
  24. Social media can be both a blessing and a curse
  25. Having those ride-or-die genuine friends are one of a kind and I will never take them for granted
  26. For my planner-self, spontaneity is a good thing

  I hope everyone loved reading all of the things I've learned over the years! It's so crazy to me how 25 years have come and gone, it was such an amazing year being able to marry my best friend and love of my life, travel to some amazing places and just have another year full of memories with everyone who matters in my life. I am so blessed and wouldn't trade my life for another. Thank you for reading and thank you for all of your birthday wishes, it means the world to me! <3



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