Hi guys! I was challenged by Tanner Mann, author of The Life of a Womann, to answer a couple of questions that everyone always asks about blogging. I love having this blog because it is my own personal space that I can be who I am and talk about what I love without any judgment. I love the people I have met from blogging and all the other positive aspects that have come from it... you can read more below with an Q & A format.  :)


Why did you start a blog? I started my blog as a creative outlet to showcase my fashion and lifestyle decisions all in one place. It was a hobby for me at first and but now with companies sending me products to post within a timely manner, it sort of became like a second job that I haven’t really started making money from yet. LOL everything takes time right?

Where do you get your writing inspiration from? My inspiration comes from a ton of different places, but I think what takes the cake is other bloggers. You learn that every blogger has their own style and you start to follow people (whether it be on Instagram, personal blog, Twitter, etc.) who inspire you. I have purchased a lot of items from the blogs of Caitlin Covington, Emily Gemma, Katey McFarlan, Alyson Haley, McKenna Bleu, just to name a few. These ladies have a fun, bright wardrobe that I love! They are very well-known bloggers who have figured out the game of blogging, and I always love reading their content and/or keeping up with them on social media.
What words do you have for those who are scared to start their blog? JUST DO IT. My advice for you is to come up with a catchy name, start creating your blog, write some content, take some photos, and when you are ready, hit publish. Just because you create a blog doesn’t mean you have to make it public right away… wait until YOU are ready. Also, I have learned the blogging community is a great resource. If you ever need anything or have any questions, most (can’t speak for all) are willing to help because at one time, they probably had the same question!
What are the ups and downs of having your own blog? The positive side of having a blog for me is all the people I am able to connect with that have the same interests as me. The blogging community is huge so you are able to meet a wide variety of women who want to see you succeed and inspire you throughout your journey. I also enjoy discovering new products I probably would’ve never heard of or bought without the company reaching out to me.  The downside would definitely be time management. I work a full-time job, manage my blog, while keeping up with house and dog mom duties and planning our wedding. I feel like I am tired ALL THE TIME. One more downside that I have just realized lately is always being on my phone. I feel like I live on it and some days when I get home from work, I just put it away and don’t look at it for a couple of hours because I just need that time to relax.
What other interests do you have besides your blog? Other interests besides blogging… hmm… I absolutely love shopping, going to the beach (I’m a Floridian, duh!), relaxing and watching Netflix, traveling with my fiancé, having brunch (+ mimosas) with my girls, planning our wedding, the list goes on….
Where do you hope your blog will take you in the future? One day, I hope to be blogging full-time. It’ll probably take a couple of years to actually get to that point, but I could definitely see myself doing it. People think being a full-time blogger is easy-peasy, but it is a 24/7 job. You are always on the clock, whether it be taking photos, answering emails, posting on social media + answering questions on social media, writing content, buying new products to test, traveling, etc.
I hope everyone has a great rest of their week and hope you have learned a thing or two about why I started this blog and keep it going. Love to all!


Cutest Tassel Kimono


Victoria Emerson Design Collab Pt. 2