Valentine's Day Night In

Happy Monday loves! Who's ready for the Bachelor tonight? I am, I can't wait to see if Nick sends Corinne and Taylor both home... they left us hanging last week (or should I say every week?). I actually like Corinne in a "I want to be her friend" type way, not a "I want her to win Nick's heart" type way. I guess we will find out in just a couple of hours.... Don't let us down, Nick!!!Until then, I have put together a few of my favorite things for a Night In Valentine's Day style... scroll down to get the deets!valentines-dayI know not everyone has fancy plans for the 14th especially because this year it's on a Tuesday *insert eye roll*... so I wanted to give you a few options for the perfect night in that includes everything you need to have a peaceful and relaxing night. A lot of people would choose this over a night out anyways whether you're in a relationship or not! I know I would... I love my nights in. :-) So here are a few things I have put together for you... and they are all available on Nordstrom. I'll link everything down below...

  1. Chocolate Covered Strawberries - The number one thing I ask for every year... because who doesn't like to sit on the couch and dive in to a huge bag of chocolate covered strawberries. Oh hey! They're also half healthy too!
  2. Pink Jammies - Because you need some perfect pj's for the perfect night in.
  3. Fresh Sugar Lemon Sugarbath - What's a perfect night with a bath? Need I say more?
  4. XL Wine Glass - Red or White? You pick! Why not buy the XL glass so you don't have to keep refilling? So far, perfect night indeed... we have chocolate strawberries, bath, wine, and cute jammies!
  5. Sugarfina Rose Petal Gummies - I just had to throw these in because I went overboard and bought so many when I was in NYC and loved all of them! I purchased the champagne gummies and they were delish!
  6. Baies candle - Every perfect bath needs the perfect candle!
  7. Sonix iPhone Case - I just threw this in here because it was super cute and I loved it! It'll be sitting in my wish list... that's for sure!

 Anyone agree with me? Does that not sound like the perfect night? I hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day whether you have plans or not. Unfortunately, it is on a Tuesday this year which sucks, but we just have to make the most of it. To the couples out there, don't just think this is the only day you need to spoil your significant other. That should happen every day :-)looooove 


Victoria Emerson Design Collab


Valentine's Day in Pink