Comfiest Oversized White Sweater under $20


White Sweater | Denim | Kate Spade | Booties

Hellllo friends! I was so excited when this sweater finally came in... it was a little big because it's a one-size fits all *insert eye roll*. I had to wash it and it shrank a teeny, tiny bit, but now it is the perfect "oversized" sweater. I will definitely be needing it for this cold weather we have been having in Florida... LOL I love the material of this sweater as well, it's very soft and comfortable, not itchy at all which is one of the reasons I am always skeptical about buying sweaters online. I like being able to feel the material before I spend money on the item.

This pair of denim was a lucky find, I was at Ross on one of my lunch breaks and found these $15 pair of jeans, they actually fit perfect, which is a shocker for jeans. :-) I usually just wear the same brand over and over again.

I don't know if I have put these booties on my blog yet, but y'all, they are the perfect color, perfect style, perfect fit, perfect comfort. I cannot say enough good things about these shoes. I am so so happy I purchased them. They will be in my closet for a very long time..... (sorry mom!!!) LOL She always likes to steal my clothes/shoes. :-P BTW, I couldn't find the correct link above for these booties, but they are from Express!! Don't forget to follow my insta - @kristinncoffey.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week. Love you all!

K xx

** Thank you SHEIN for sponsoring this post!**


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