Welcome back to For the Love of Coffey! I have to admit, it has been a fun and stress-free December not having to blog during this SUPER crazy, busy month. I thought about doing a post here & there, but I literally had no time at all. So I decided to take the entire month off to focus on my finals, graduate from college, and spend time with family and friends during the holidays all while working a full-time job. Talk about exhausting this month has been, but every bit of it has been amazing. So here's a recap on 2016 - and some 2017 resolutions...

 Wow! What a year it has been, 2016 definitely felt like the fastest year of my life. I feel like I was just writing my blog post { 2 0 1 6 } just the other week. Personally, this year was a great year for me, there's been a couple ups and downs, but whose life is perfect?! Let's take a walk down memory lane...
  • Rang in 2016 for the 7th time with the love of my life
  • Traveled to the beautiful city of Charleston with one of our favorite couples
  • Traveled to New York City for 8 days with 16 random girls from the University of Florida, who ended up becoming more like a fam... they are absolutely wonderful and I am so happy I had the opportunity to meet all of them (Oh and we got to touch the New Years Eve Ball- good luck maybe?!)
  • Turned the big "2-4", can I just stay this age forever?! ahhhhh
  • Traveled to Los Angeles with my lover
  • Loving every minute of being engaged and wedding planning
  • Found the PERFECT venue for our wedding
  • Found the PERFECT dress for our wedding
  • Lots of pool/lake parties
  • Traveling to Palm Coast and vacationing at our venue for 4 days
  • Taking my last final ever
  • Bringing in 2017 with my fiancé <3

[gallery ids="3447,1783,1724,1273,1288,1250,1191,1169,3920,3811,4228" type="rectangular"]Just a few noteworthy things that happened this year that made it the best year yet... I can't wait to hit 100% on the wedding planning, but I have to admit I am enjoying every second of it. I am so happy now I get to focus mainly on it now that school is done. For. Good. Some resolutions for 2017 because, you know, the new year wouldn't be right if we didn't have any...

  • Staying calm while wedding planning & while getting closer to the wedding
  • Exercise more, eat healthy (less pizza & cookies, y'all)
  • Take care of my body, you only get one
  • Blog, blog, blog - I have so so so many ideas for you all, I can't wait to share!!
  • Enjoy being engaged and don't rush anything
  • Travel, travel, travel - we are still up in the air about our honeymoon so any recommendations would be great
  • SHOP less, SAVE more - words a blogger never want to hear
  • Be the best person I can be to everyone around me because no one is guaranteed tomorrow


SO CHEERS TO 2017!!!

May all your blessings be answered and dreams come true <3 I am so so so excited to see what this year has in store for everyone.

K xx



New Year, New Wardrobe


Holiday Stocking GIVEAWAY !!