5 Feelings Towards Graduation

The year has finally arrived for me to graduate college. This time of my life is coming to an end, and with that, there are just a couple thoughts that have been passing through my head. . . and I am sure everyone has thought these things a time or two as well. Don't get me wrong, I am excited as ever to start a career that I love and get out there on my own, but everyone knows college is still a "safe zone" where you can blame all the stupid decisions and immaturity on the fact that you're not an actual "adult" yet. You get the best of both worlds, IMO. In just two short months, I will be a University of Florida alumni. . . These are the 5 feelings I have towards graduation.

  • The fact that there are 1000+ students graduating from my University and in the surrounding areas kinda freak me out. All of these graduates need jobs, and so do I. So how will I find a job? Will it be easy? Will it be tough? How long will it take? Will I make enough money? These questions are on repeat in my head as graduation is quickly upon us.
  • Now that I am almost done, I question myself, "Is this what I want to do for the rest of my life?" Did I pick the right degree? Since I love writing, should I have picked Journalism instead or is it just a hobby I enjoy? Can I just keep my degree on the back burner, and turn my blog into a full-time job?
  • This one is my favorite: you can't use the excuse "Sorry, I can't I have homework!!" Okay, so really, how many times do you do this a week? I probably shouldn't admit it, but this excuse is on repeat a lot. :-P
  • The thought of not coming home and studying until weeeeee hours of the night or waking up early and cramming my notes into my head excites me!!! Studying exhausts me and there's not enough coffee in the world to revive me...img_1921
  • I know having an 8-5 job is not the best thing in the world, but I haven't had a weekend off (unless I request it off) in 4 years!! Being a waitress is the best thing for any college student, but I am so ready to work a 40 hour week, not having to study, and having my weekends off!! I can't freakin' wait!

 I know this was a different post for me, but I just had to get out how I was feeling towards this big accomplishment in my life! I can't believe it is finally here after all of these years. Have you graduated yet? What were your thoughts? Do you have any advice?Xo, K


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