Kristin Coffey

Welcome to For the Love of Coffey, a fashion and lifestyle blog by Kristin Coffey Pressley! I am so excited you are here as I love to share affordable fashion finds that you can incorporate in your everyday style. Growing up in Florida, I’ve always been drawn to the beach and the style that goes with it. I would definitely define my style as casual but with a twist. Give me a graphic tee, a skirt and some sneaks and I’m a happy gal!  

I started my blog back in 2015 just as a hobby to share my love of fashion, but it quickly turned into a passion of mine and in 2018, I was able to quit my job to blog full-time. It has been the best and scariest decision I have ever made, but with my husband and parents full support, I knew I could do it. I am so blessed to be able to do this everyday and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. 

A little more about my personal life… I have been with my husband, Lane, for over 10 years. We started dating when we were 16 years old, got engaged 7 years later, and we’ve been married since 2017. He is truly my best friend and we honestly just click. I love him so much! We have two pups – Jack and Jasper. Jack is our 8 year old Dachshund and Jasper is our 6 year old Beagle. They are both so spoiled. I graduated from the best college ever – University of Florida! GO GATORS! I live in a small country town with only one red light and as much as I travel, I love coming back to this small little town. It’s refreshing! 


Warby Parker


Kristin Coffey