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As we have said goodbye to 2015, and welcomed 2016 with open arms, there are a few things I want to do differently this year... Starting with myself, then with my relationship, and THEN other things like family, friends, school, and work. These aspects of my life are wonderful and I would never take them for granted, but it is a new year and I am ready to try some new things out. I want to be the best I can be { as a friend, as a girlfriend, as a student, as a worker, as a daughter, as a cousin, as a blogger, as a Believer }. I want to work out more and also eat healthier. (If anyone has any yummy HEALTHY dessert recipes -- please share because I have the biggest sweet tooth!!) I also want to JUMP OUT of my comfort zone, which I will be doing in March.. I will be flying by myself to NYC. Talk about S C A R Y- yes, I know I am 23. :P I want to be there for people who need me and want me to be around. With that being said, I want to reevaluate my friendships to make sure people around me are reciprocating the same gestures I give them. I am old enough to know that I don't need part-time friends, I need friends who will be there for me through anything. Quality / Quantity. I don't want that to mislead you though, I will still be the nicest person I can be, I just won't confide in you or trust you. With my relationship, I want adventure with my partner in crime. I want to travel more { and } worry less. My boyfriend is seriously my other half ~ I know, sorry I am getting all mushy gushy ~ and that is all I want in life right now is to see the world with him (and to finally have his last name, but that's his thing ;))! Everything else is simple. Work hard in school to get a better GPA, be more positive at work, be there for my friends and family. I know this is sometimes hard for people to admit, but I want to pray more, not just when something bad happens, but when we bow our heads to bless the food or before bedtime. I know this is a random blog post, but it was heavy on my heart tonight and I felt the need to share. I hope everyone's 2016 is starting off to a great start. Love to all! Xx, KC


5 Minute Makeup


What to Wear: NYE