Wake up, Smell the Coffee, Have a Wonderful Monday

{ S U R P R I S E } , it's Monday morning again, and I know some of you feel it from the fabulous weekend you all had. I have been so busy the last week worrying about school, remodeling one of the rooms in my house (blog post to come), etc. that I have not posted in almost a week. Since I have been stressing a bit, I decided to post some Monday morning inspiration about staying positive even when life gets a bit stressful.Five Ways To Be More Positive#1: Set aside some time for you in the morning - developing a small routine in the morning will help tremendously, wake up 15 minutes early to use that time wisely, whether you read the Bible or your book of the week, meditate/yoga, eat breakfast, or read blog posts (like I do).#2: Surround yourself with positive people - this is one of the most important ways to be more positive. If you surround yourself with "Debby Downers" all day long, that is how you will act.#3: Have goals - if you set goals and achieve them, you feel accomplished which also makes you positively { h a p p y }. It's always a nice feeling crossing those goals off whether it be from a To-Do list or something major like a Bucket List.#4: Get enough sleep - of course, this is a given.#5: REMEMBER, your current situation will not always be there. If you are in a stressful time of your life, think positive thoughts.  Nothing lasts forever, and maybe a year from now you'll laugh at what you thought was so "stressful".3c4bcdf1bb731523cfd1ff8b5b55c9a9If anyone has other ways to be more positive, please share. I love love love feedback and talking with everyone.I hope you have a great Monday ~ xoxo


Make Up to Live By


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