\\ Bucket List //

I know all of you twenty-somethings have a list of things you want to check off before you reach a certain age.

Well, I do too. 

There are a few things I have already completed on my list: Visit Paris & Rome, Travel to NYC (which I am absolutely obsessed with), Go to Hawaii, Meet the love of my life ♥, Be accepted into my dream college (GO GATORS!), Start a blog. . . to name a few.

It is my goal to have { m o s t } of these things done by the age of 30-35.

\\ Travel the World //


I want to go anywhere & everywhere. I want to visit Australia, the Netherlands, Greece, Bali and I want to be able to say I have been to all 50 states. It doesn't matter where, just take me on an adventure!

\\ Graduate from the University of Florida & Have My Dream Job //


I am a true Gator girl! Grew up with a family full of Gator's. So when I was accepted into UF in 2013, I was beyond ecstatic. I will be graduating with my Bachelor's Degree in the next couple semesters, and I am thrilled. I just hope I can land my dream job. CHOMP CHOMP!

\\ Travel First Class // 


Every time I travel somewhere, I get so jealous of the people who get to travel first class. I get to walk by their 3-5 foot of room, laid back chairs, and glasses of champagne. So hopefully when I land my dream job with my dream salary, I will never have to fly coach again. :-P

\\ Marry My Best Friend //


I have been with the love of my life for over 6 years now. We started dating when we were babies in high school at the age of 16. I have never been so in love with anyone until Mr. Pressley came along. I can't wait for the day that we are happily married. ♥♥♥

\\ Go Scuba Diving //

I have to admit, I will be deathly afraid, but I want to conquer my fear of the deep blue sea and go diving. It is amazing that the most beautiful things are in the ocean.

\\ Have Babies //


Yes yes yes, I am going to be one of "those moms". I can/can't wait to have babies! If it was up to my mom, I would have 10, but I'll just make her happy with 3. LOL!

\\ Have a Successful Blog //

I know i have just started, but it is so much fun! Getting feedback from friends and family and making new friends. I just want to be able to inspire people like others have inspired me!

\\ Live by the Beach //


My favorite place to go is the beach, something about the peaceful, relaxation makes me happy. I have always wanted live where I love, and I want my kids to grow up as beach babies.

\\ Go on a ROAD TRIP with my GIRLS! //


I don't even have to put a caption to this one, all of you girls know what I'm talking about. :-)

\\ Open Up a Boutique //


I feel like anyone who loves fashion and the latest trends wants to open up their own boutique. So no surprise here that it is on my bucket list.

SoOoOOo, these are a few things off of my Bucket List.

What are the top adventures on your Bucket List? I would LOVE to know!!!

Xoxo ~


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